A Poem on The Sad State of Those Around Me

My dear sister,

Why do you dress the way you do?

You wore longer dresses, baggier trousers when I knew you before,

Your scarf covered your chest but now it barely does.

Fashion is so important to you,

Your education and your career is so important too,

But where does the deen stand in your life?

How much time do you make to pray your salah?

To learn about the significant aspects of the deen, etc, etc?

I fear that you don’t.

All these illnesses you have,

Maybe this is all a sign,

That something isn’t quite right here,

That you’ve made the dunya your main focus,

And it should be the akhirah, my dear sister.

But it’s not too late, as there is time to change,

And you’re better off changing sooner rather than later,

As time is ticking, and one day we will die,

And everything will come to an end,

Apart from our deeds,

So better that we race to achieve good,

And do the things that Allah would be pleased with,

Rather than pursuing our nafs.

This is a reminder for me too,

As unfortunately I made my career the be all and end all of life,

And yet I struggle to progress,

And so I take this as a reminder that I am not in control of the outcome,

Only Allah is,

And that I need to ramp up the d’ua and the tawaqqul,

Rather than overexhaust myself in pursuing the means,

As Allah should be the first means I utilise,

The strongest and the firmest means,

The most powerful of means,

And then I can move forward with my own desires, thoughts and then my limbs,

For the sake of my Lord,

Knowing and reminding myself every step of the way,

That this is all to please Allah,

And if it’s to serve the Almighty,

Then everything should be done in the manner that He would approve of.

It’s like giving someone a gift but giving someone something that they hate or are allergic to,

How could that be pleasing to them?

And so we need to think about the manner in which we do things,

The steps we take and how we take them,

May Allah make it easy for us all,


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